Building Sector, Housing, Offices and Education
You may think it odd we put this group of business sectors together, but our logic is that they have one thing in common – a building (or many buildings).
Buildings are the single most important sector to manage carbon and emissions and energy usage – yet with arguably the least clear plans for existing buildings on how this will be fixed.
As the growing global population urbanises more and more, this category – in our opinion – needs more and more emphasis to reduce our detrimental impact on the future not of the planet but on the wellbeing of the species living on it.
We take our experience from managing commercial thousands of operating sites across all corners of the world with operating business in hotels, restaurants, spa, gym, wellness and leisure centres, offices, schools, academies, building and social housing where the imperative of managing the cost to a budget has led us to test, trial and implement solutions that are efficient and effective for today and at least the short-term tomorrow.
Our solutions are broadly split into:
- The building(s) – making the base most commercially effective for reducing energy leak, capturing used water and grey water to recycle and re-use
- Supplies to the building(s) – energy, IT, water – we maximise the possible ways and give you options on the renewable energy resources switching suppliers to creating a local hub that works off the same “grid” for PH or ground source or grey water capture
- The services to the people using the space – we suggest new ways to make the supply chain be both economical and efficient in the medium terms e.g. we put in office materials recycling, food and waste reduction or elimination systems, IT policies. Ways of working …. – all with your colleagues buy in
- People services – we take every part of the work process and journey your colleagues go through and suggest efficient ways to make that work in alternative ways including travel, systems and communications
Together that all collectively forms the plan that is embedded in to your commercial and strategic vision and is refreshed every year to incorporate new and emerging solutions.
At our principals have or work on new building, refurbishing existing (social) housing, and have run education and training institutions over the last 20-years. We know that regulatory pressures will make the need to have a plan in this area a requirement for many sectors and countries.